Monday, March 1, 2010

Task 3: Intriguing and Overwhelming

Okay, so first off I thought it was kind of funny that at the end of this intriguing but overwhelming sample of blogs, the final one was about zen simplicity. Because really, no matter how intriguing this stuff is, in the end it makes me want to walk deep, deep into the woods, sit by a campfire, and never come back again. Or maybe just have a prefrontal lobotomy, if anyone still offers those. This all reminds me of the quote from Walt Kelly of Pogo: "We are confronted with insurmountable opportunities." That's been a motto for me for years. Even before personal computers my biggest issue in life was that there are too many choices, too many possibilities, and not enough time. This Web 2.0 stuff just multiplies that problem exponentially.

But okay, my usual grouching aside, it felt a little less overwhelming to be looking at some actual, specific blogs and see how real teachers use them in their real classroom. I especially liked the sites that had the kids acting as "scribes," and the "Extreme Biology" site where the kids published their own articles, and of course, Nathalie's site.

I'm still not quite sure what aspects I could or would want to adapt to my own classroom, and I don't know where I'd find the time to do so, and I'm already afraid (even without blogging or Facebooking or whatever) that the time I spend sitting here with my laptop will be leading very soon to a heart attack or stroke....... but there I go again. Okay, so I'm at least intrigued. I'll admit that I like the idea of using such technology, even if I'm not sure how or when I can make it a reality. Maybe I can start with something simple. We shall see.....

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